All American at Coram
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What Is the FAST Scale for Dementia?

When a loved one begins to experience memory loss and cognitive decline, understanding the progression of their condition can be incredibly overwhelming. The FAST scale (Functional Assessment Staging Tool for Dementia) offers families and caregivers a straightforward way to assess and track dementia’s stages. It provides a roadmap for the challenges ahead and helps you […]

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Downsizing For Seniors: Helpful Tips and Tricks

Downsizing can feel overwhelming, especially for older adults letting go of a lifetime of belongings. However, it can also be a fresh start and a way to simplify and focus on what truly matters. Whether you’re moving to a smaller home, into assisted living, or hoping to declutter, knowing where to start can help move […]

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What Causes a Loss of Appetite for Seniors?

Ensuring that seniors eat enough is often one of the most concerning challenges for caregivers. It’s not just about calories—nutrition impacts every aspect of a person’s well-being, from energy levels to immune health. Yet, many seniors experience a noticeable loss of appetite, leading to skipped meals and unbalanced diets.   There are plenty of reasons behind […]

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When to Transition from Assisted Living to Memory Care

Assisted living is an excellent choice for seniors who need a bit of extra help but still value their independence. It’s a safe, supportive, and caring environment where your loved one can thrive.  However, when cognitive changes become challenging, your loved one may need additional assistance and specialized care. It might be time to transition […]

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How to Deal with Negativity in Elderly Parents

Dealing with an elderly parent who seems stuck in a negative mindset can be challenging and emotionally draining. It’s tough to see someone you care about struggle with pessimism, especially when you want to make their later years as peaceful and happy as possible. Negativity in elderly parents often stems from a mix of loneliness, […]

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The Difference Between Assisted and Independent Living

Assisted and independent living are two types of senior care options that provide support and assistance to elderly individuals. While they both aim to provide a safe, comfortable, and fulfilling lifestyle for seniors, there are some key differences between the two. The key differences between assisted and independent living include the level of care provided, […]

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The Emotional Effects of Caring for an Elderly Parent

Caring for an elderly parent is a profound act of love and dedication. However, the emotional effects of caring for an elderly parent shouldn’t be taken lightly. Caregiving, while rewarding, isn’t always the easiest task, and it’s crucial that you prioritize your own needs whenever possible so you can continue taking care of your loved […]

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