All American at Coram

Respite Care for Coram Seniors

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Your Safe Place to Stay When You Need It

Home is a place that gives you access to safety, comfort, and security when you need it. Sometimes, plans change, and you need a temporary home for a little while. When that happens, All American Assisted Living at Coram is happy to help.

Our respite care service is perfect for anyone who needs the care and support of community-living on a short-term basis of 30 days or more.

During your stay, you’ll have your own fully-furnished suite, 3 home-style meals a day, 24/7 support from caring staff, and access to all of our community amenities.

Contact us to learn more about our respite care options.

How Could Respite Care Help You?

Respite care gives you access to professional, personalized support for as long as you need it, with a minimum stay of 30 days.

People typically seek respite care for 1 of 3 reasons.

Whether it’s a well-deserved holiday or an urgent last-minute trip, sometimes family members or other regular caregivers are temporarily unavailable.

Respite care is an excellent way to ensure you still get all the help you need while your primary caregiver is away. This arrangement can also help prevent caregiver burnout, allowing them to meet your needs even better than they already do.

Even if you usually live independently, an injury or illness could mean you temporarily need extra support.

Respite care ensures you have the help you need as long as you need it. Our professional care staff can help you with activities of daily living like using the restroom, getting dressed, or simply bringing meals to your suite.

We also offer wellness services that could help you along your recovery journey.

Before buying a car, you take it for a test drive. So it’s only reasonable that you might want to test a new lifestyle before committing to it.

Respite care is an excellent way for potential residents to sample community living. After your stay, you’re under no obligation to come back whatsoever. Having said that, we find most of our temporary residents like us so much, they eventually move in full-time. It’s always our pleasure to welcome temporary residents back.

Discover All American Assisted Living at Coram

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Our Address

463 Middle Country Road
Coram, NY 11727

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Phone: 1-631-997-0010


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